Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Reproduced After Arrival This Year (Feb 2008)

The emergence of a new light
Holding the hands of kinship tight
Bringing a fairly everlasting delight
Taking happiness to its glorious heights
Assuring the days coming are very bright
Hence jump with unflinching courage fight

In the previous book, we had mentioned about the second trip and the eagerness to cover the rest of the areas’ not visited.’ But, Lord Sri Subramanya had different plans. He wanted the Indo - US and family relationship to become closer and decided to descend in the family as a jewel. The indication came the previous year. The invitation came this year. After finishing the primary assignment in this regard, we emplaned to take up the higher assignment. It is US, that is India. We gave our heart. We are here to receive the new light with delight which is Shuba/auspicious/ and the king with grace and gaiety. He connects Hara family/panchalingeswara/ from Talakad with Hari of Guruvayoor. The Lord of Sabarimalai heard the voice of prayer, passed it on to Sri.Subramanya, who okayed and directed Sri.vigneshwara to remove all obstacles and on request to goddess Bhagavathi to give necessary courage, confidence and capacity in the noble mission. The call was okayed and the end of Hemantha will open a new era of Shishira to invite Vasantha who is anantha who is dheemantha.

To ascend on the earth in rainbow court i.e.’ export worry and import happiness.’ The new offspring will always give us pleasure during our stay in the midst offering pleasure relieving us from pressure.

During the wedding, there was exchange of ring. Then began touring, wandering across the countries, wondering about their beauty, and finding pleasure in suffering, conferring, at times differing and ultimately delivering the goods. Bothering not to express strain, staggering though it was working with zeal, pouring their love on each other, they started appearing for a big journey, covering the goodwill of all the kith and kins, and the Lord, gave a patient hearing to their plea and appearing in their heart ,assured them of an offspring to bring everlasting peace in their life conferring on them the boon, with a pledge that they will be showering all their affection on him, as he is his gift, assuring that they will reciprocate his/Lords gesture through adhering strictly to his tenets, concurring on the necessity for devotion, dedication and spiritual declaration. The journey this time was directed towards visiting the remaining parts of the areas, not visited the previous time, but Lord wants us to concentrate on the new responsibility, ushered on us to welcome, help in bringing up the new born, so that he will become one of the admiring, astonishing, appreciable, affectionate personality, connecting- chain in the years to come. While citizens are coming here from India to learn and assist in the economic growth, this jewel will usher a new era to connect the new generation of this family, with affection, education, scholarship, communication, cooperation, cordiality, coordination, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. The lengthy narration will conclude through this chapter as the purpose of any book is to link the people, heart, culture of all the countries under one umbrella. By the grace of the Lord this purpose is achieved and the writer, reader and all the off -springs thank the Lord for making this journalistic effort a fruitful one.

The new arrival is a bridge that connects the two families. It is not an ordinary off -spring, a visionary arriving to kindle the light, offering delight, giving happiness ,when holding tight, assuring that ,offering satisfaction by entering the family is this birth -right and creating melodious music while crying in the night, creating worry by hiding somewhere, as if he is out of sight, making the place very pious, spiritual, where he stays a righteous site, rising to glorious heights, like the flying- kite beyond borders, creating competition among kins, a mock- fight to hold him tight. Bringing joy as he grows, when he is able to recite the sacred shlokas, taught by his grandpa and grandmas and imbibing the extraordinary knowledge of his parents to learn, grow and understand, and travel in the journey of knowledge through deep insight to decide and do what he feels right, to live upright for the principles of righteousness, integrity and intellectual fervor as he is the genuine gift of the Lord our beloved beacon light.

This is the second part of the voyage of America produced out of the grace of Sri Lord Subramanya with the bliss of Sri Avani Swamigal dedicated to Sri Raj, Sow Shubha and the new born


The marathon race is over. The matter is ready for cover. The collection is like a garland of flower dedicated to the lotus feet of the Lord, whose bliss is everlasting coming like a shower. It is dedicated to that force which brought us here, who gave initial inspiration, the almighty Sri. Kukke Subramanyeswara, to that spiritual force Sri Avani Mahaswamigal, whose benediction and bliss gave us confidence and to Sri Balamukund who gave tips for the trip, to embassy, though busy helping us to cross the sea, to my family who helped in every aspect. My mother who gave benediction, my dad blessing from the skies, my sammandi with his previous experience serving as a guiding force, and my second daughter and hubby who helped in packing, guiding, in all respects. Finally to my first daughter and son-in-law whose invitation was an inspiration to the inclination.

To visit this great nation, even though there was commotion and hasty preparation amidst confusion but landing in the states relieved us of the botheration, forgetting the separation brought to the location, and their unstinted effort to take us everywhere taking vacation and often permission to have vision, to different destination s though distance a problem, was surmounted by comfortable transportation, the food served, giving us solace from the old methods continuation, with jimmy’s food as a consolation, the home a good arena of meditation, the trips to New York and Washington though repetition a revelation, and the parties hosted gave an occasion to meet people and exchange information concluding in jubilation, the day of departure causing desperation, and the hope of coming again injecting inspiration. The satisfaction of moral consolation of company an example of commendable co-operation, coordination, a process of combination, a continuation of celebration, narration and though separation, a stigma ,kindling the hope of future unison that the Lord offers permission without which, there is no motion.

World Bank: This personality called human being though separate in organs has to go in for treatment if there is ailment. For stomach pain stomach can’t go. Likewise doctor should study medicine to even specialize in a particular field. Some items like food, education, health, culture have to be shared between haves and have-nots in different levels, local, state, national and universal. This is the background for formation of the World Bank. Under Britton-woods agreement the fully -developed nations decided to help the up and coming nations to develop socially, culturally, health wise, education wise, through supply of funds. Without our response leaving differences beacon- lights are not kindled. The money that flows like honey can remove inequality if any, only if there is symphony of voices, and action by many resulting in the welfare of the progeny. Any deviation, suspension, negation of aid may make the position of the poor countries securing aid facing commotion, no consolation leading to desperation dejection and deprivation of benedicts keeping the countries in isolation. Though a visit to world bank was not in the agenda, it was made possible through the efforts of Smt. Nishi and Lakshman who works there , leading, guiding and commanding, the bank is located in Washington because it is washing the tears of millions of people through supplying tons of finance. The big hall a welcome hall a call to all to have the experience of elegance, enchantment and affluence; the conference room a place where you can groom the programme and policies of the bank; the cafeteria is a place where the food is served as per wishes are good, smell spreading to neighbourhood, in the arena of brotherhood that should remain in the heart making you to brood when you go back as long as one could. The big library, where the documents are stored, is really a monument and acknowledgement of poor countries predicament and progressive countries efforts towards development, a commitment, a picture of contentment, an arena of achievement with no room for disappointment where the performance is permanent. It was a dream come true to the writer who had heard lectures three decades ago but now stands before the structure of course with light strictures. Thus this day is a red- letter -day in the annals of the journey , though security check was tough, the after -joy is an irony, which, the money, the hope of the have-nots , a treasure, the grand look, which took the onlooker to hook, his thoughts, beyond the boundaries, the bank should remain as a legend, to lend in plenty in future, to send the signal of success to other institutions and to correct those who do not mend, to toughies, who defend and hard cores to bend, send liberally, to set a new trend as a friend to offer a garland of fund with total prosperity as the end.

NASA: Every season has an effect on man and his action, hot, tired, winter, chilly, rainfall, leisure spring active. The sky and earth have a correlation. Water can become solid, ice liquid, when evaporated smoke. The creation of fish and birds led to invention of ships and planes bringing the world together from the two seaters to a concord. All revealing the history, effort behind the glory, fight during the time of fury, though resulting in injury, the victorious, saying sorry, returning in a hurry, To have their curry, is a fine story of effort, efficiency, endurance, stored in a house, a compendium of commendable achievements, a treat to with a matter to catch, to visit in batch, nothing to match to friends the news you can dispatch. Then to space world how the instruments were sent to study hygienic atmosphere, then the dress code, oxygen tubes, thus it led to rockets and men moving to moon to search the misery with members of the earth. Today people are ready to go to space and stay for a change. It is a possibility that may become a reality as the minds capacity is beyond explanation an entity and a homogeneity and clarity will assure prosperity. Forget the distress in adversity maintain unity to assure scientific stability in all possibility. The three’ d’ film takes you through the journey of a pilot and copilots on a mock -attack on the enemy camp, their ammunitions shattered, a copilot saved, returning with beaming smiles of success of achievement to the home land a group of gallant pilots. Thus the book is a look of our journey narrated not as a trained author but informer rather. Glance, enjoy, excuse errors, take only information and pat.

Indo American Friendship, Old And Young, Back To Country; Bag Of Memories, Farewell. Areas To Travel Next

Budding youngsters from Bharath visit to US has become order of the day, a life time ambition, may be for studies or visit, job. Other countries are also there; cooking food at home is scarce and craze for cafeteria is the order of the day. Coming here awed by patriotism, punctuality, hard work, concern for retention of resources, the big roads, bridges, marching vehicles like military men, use of machine for everything have made the model country worthy for emulation by developing nations. Natural calamity has brought responsibility, commitment has brought upliftment, and necessity followed by capacity a reality. Freedom, recognition of merit, pat for performance, promotion without reservation, berth as per worth, no government interference, mere guidance, no pressure, work under pleasure, enjoy all benefits, but get the same by sweat, involvement, commitment. The adage’ I will be firm if the firm is firm’ all combined is the motive force for people’s migration here. The vision from local to universal has open the doors for exchange of scholarship, men materials and exchange of ideas, ideals, both couples working for common good, mutual admiration, understanding, upbringing the offspring giving all encouragement to make a responsible citizen.

This is the background, guiding spirit for travel to this great country; proud to return with memoirs. Thus this trip is a marriage making people to move with luggage mutually to make this life a central stage a heritage and all should manage, take pride, think wide and enjoy the jolly ride. Enjoyment makes the day quick and suffering long. The combined efforts of our daughter and son- in- law from the beginning nearly a decade made our plans a reality in everything including the trip. From the day of application to the day of landing, it was guidance, audience .on the day of our arrival marked the beginning of the festival, the period to be jovial, the moment casual, the relationship cordial, the days full of travel that will ravel the call of cordial ties, the disappearance of the ordeal. The visits to places, people, monuments temples was a god- sent chance to enhance the kinship with roaming and romance going hand- in hand. This is the foundation for further invitation to visit this glorious nation, a presentation by my daughter and son- in- law worth profound narration after our return. The full knowledge of any subject is possible only if we attain specialisation. A doctor can choose any field and expertise in it. Thus within the allotted time of six months for stay, 190 days can be used for sight seeing minus 95 days plus 4 days for traveling.

We had excellent experience of people to the maximum and promise to talk about untouched areas next time. Thus this narration is an explanation, a presentation to the generation, offered with veneration to accept the same out of admiration and excuse any omission or commission, with a promise of continuation when we visit the states the next time of a beautiful narration after vision, audition for completion of the journey mission in its entirety. The departure of the offspring, after pursuit of studies and employment make the parents to move to their places as mutual help becomes inevitable.
So hereafter life will be traveling for us, USA, Bombay, and son’s would–be- place making us roving ambassadors. Almighty must give longevity and health to discharge this duty admirably and the only life will be full- length. The chain of cordiality is a boon offered by the almighty giving an opportunity striving towards prosperity with which objectivity the entire humanity is striving singing the song of universality. The budding youngsters from Bharath; expansion of knowledge and science and technology has opened the flood gates of the states for the younger generation to settle. While bringing pride to the family, it enables us to see, stay, share their experiences during our visit. At this rate the two countries will become closer, even though it is late, as no one will hate this spate of exchange of skill that will fill the heart of everyone with pride and instill confidence.

Bridgewater Temple. Sreedhar And Sandhya.

Lord Vishnu ,as per the desire of the devas, descended on this earth and landed in saptagiri as Srinivasa to bless his devotees in kaliyuga where rigorous rituals are not possible and surrender is the only solution for salvation. Plan the trip to the hill, it is his will, and he will guide you. Proceed like a drill, discipline, devotion, till you reach the hill. The chill should not deter you. They will open the grill, move, chant his name, ‘see the main door came.’ The Lord stands with a mesmerising personality, thrilled in unity, longing for eternity, you bow your head in reverence, repentance in the form of tears, acceptance in the form of humility, reverence in the form of salutation the confluence of the tiny with the mighty, a life time achievement, memorable movement, the mind refusing to depart, stamped in the heart to the last resort. Instant bliss, constant prayer, sins wiped off, you are a puritan. Three types of pilgrimage centres are there. Sages performed tapas and they wanted the Lord to stay and bless. Secondly, Lord commands his devotee to build a temple as he wants to stay. Thirdly, an episode of an area is spread and devotees swell for the darshan of the divine. Pilgrimage is as the age develops the body becomes decayed, uncalled for, uncared for waiting for the end and nobody except our friend, the Lord, will lend a helping hand to recommend for a happy end. Hence’ pill grim age ‘becomes pilgrimage. Lord, in order to be ready at the call of the devotees opened several branches. An intelligent does not need tuition. A dull needs intuition. Hence for those crossing the ocean and immersed in material enjoyment, the Lord, who sleeps in the milk ocean and balancing with his consort ‘wealth’ wanted them to cross this fantasy called family ocean. Hence first settling in Pittsburg, he came to bridge water or ‘Jalasethu’ to bridge the gulf between devotion and commotion, the pure white marble structure resembling pure heart, the big hall for seva chits, another for performing of religious chores, the prasadam spreading its smell, go up climbing the stairs and an amalgam of all the forms of god receiving worship to the tuneful rendering of the mantras, the Lord of the seven hills stands majestically with mesmerising looks, the devotee hooked by the beauty, the smile throwing the grief a 100 mile, the abhaya hastha and varada hastha assuring bliss and protection, the holy feet will greet you to his fold, getting down ,have prasadam mind, body, spirit exhibiting contentment of achievement. The Lord stands majestically with his mesmerising figure, making thy eyes not to divert the glare, simply stare, dare not to speak, care not to divert, where you share the supreme satisfaction with the Lord, bearing in mind that is the most precious moment you were craving for, dare not look at the onlookers providing diversion, spare thy thoughts, spurn them, churn thy soul and earn his bliss as there is no other concern. The urn in the heart is filled with this super natural experience, supreme in elegance, adorable in appearance, poignant in presence, breathtaking in benevolence, reverberating in radiance. An ornament in observance, a replica of reverence, a camera of conscience, an omega of omnipresence, light lit by the lamp of luck luring you to look at the Lord, the loveable and laudable figure, whose name is sweet like sugar, with a majestic figure, adds vigour, vitality, vision, to the life like the gold getting purified, by contact with the fire, where you need not hire anyone for guidance. But encouraged by pure desire that burns all the sins like live wire, he is Lord Srinivasa, beaming mandahasa, papavinasha, maha purusha, sleeping on adishesha, in vaikunta, but here standing under golden kalasa, chit prakasha, hrudayesha, rama vilasa, asura nasha sura posha.
Sreedhar and Sandhya: The first son of our father in law, Sri, K V Satyanarayanan was a votary of information, a moving dictionary on matters, a spiritual, scholarly personality, not compromising on principles, came up by ladder through hard labour with four daughters all named after trinities consorts, son- in- laws offering everything at beck and call, Mrs lending unflinching co-operation, the elder son sacrificing status in lieu of family, singing the swan- song of growth through labour, the second silent, shrewd, scholarly, switching over to states, stamping his presence through scholarship, wedding the ‘shining evening,’ the shrewd silent partner lending a helping hand for happy settlement rocking the same boat, now with an off spring to play the string of music of love, landing when needed here. They live in New Jersey, where we went to see received with glee with warmth as the fee followed by a visit to Sow Sharanya and Vipul, the daughter of my wife’s young brother. The evening of glory coupled with a darshan to Lord Srinivasa paved the way to open the key to success. We were accompanied by lady luck, Shubha and the king of Ayodhya, Raj. A well- planned journey accomplished, backed by devotion, determination and discretion.

October Occasion To Remember. Festival Of Lights, Lally Invites. Heart Responds. A Visit To Vichu’s. Durga Temple. Jimmys Bithday. Memorable Day. Lur

October means Deepavali festival of lights. Normally son- in- law is invited by father- in- law. For a change, for the first time, we were with our son- in -law. Lord Narayana, in order to annihilate the vanity of Bali appeared in the form of Vamana, the vatu, asking for three feet of land. Immediately agreeing, though objected by Shukracharya, whose eyes were struck by dharba by the Lord when the holy water was to be poured from the jug. The Lord grew by leaps and bounds placing one foot on the earth and second in the sky and the third on Bali’s head promising to guard his abode in patala. The other story is of Narakasura , the demon, who was killed by Satyabhama, Krishna’s consort. Both Bali and Asura prayed that both must be remembered and public must rejoice. This is the background of the celebration. The light that you light is a fight against tight situations and going in the path that is right. You can rise to glorious heights to write a new chapter in life.

The day was celebrated with oil bath and offering of presents, performing pooja in the presence of Sri. Rajaram in the rainbow court followed by a hefty meal by Jimmy. No crackers, here as they care for environment and pollution--free areas. No sound, no crackers, no dust. When you stand in the beach and observe the sunset it is pleasure. Passing the danger line is overconfidence. If you move with your feet touching the waves it is romance. So restrained celebration leads to jubilation. Selection of a friend is an art and those who touch the heart and feeling and understanding bring them together.

My wife, silent, calm and serene had three friends Shantha, Vasantha and Lalitha. The last one talkative, talented, had to come up hard way in life and struggle made her strict, experience made her efficient and a few days in LRDE then ISRO brought her to states; wedded to one Sri Narayanan, calm, composed gentleman, cool, spiritual, skilled, unassuming, universal in appeal; now devoted housewife, dedicated to divine service, delighted to serve others, down to earth frank, fearless, friendly, lully, sacrificing fully. The daughter, Jyothi means, light, very bright in studies, though brought up in states, an amalgam of Indian culture in a decent job, waiting for her heart throb. They stay in their home, where spirituality smiles, Lord revels, peace prevails, India shines, culture nourished, tradition flourished, nature smiles, greenery guards, delicious food brings contentment, Shiva Vishnu temple darshan commitment. The stay brought attainment of unknown joy of two hearts longing to stay, speak with happiness, in its peak.
A visit to Sri.Vichu’s, a close kin from our mothers- side, whose mother, chinnu atte used to say innu atte meaning still crying in kannada responded by attending my Mrs’ birthday. The nearby Durga temple and Muruga temple brought the bliss of the mother and son duo adding knowledge and power in our kitty.

Jimmy’s birthday: As a fitting tribute to the noble soul, who stands for service steals the heart with love, calm and serene, loveable lass, it was decided to celebrate her 60th birthday, an occasion to follow the tradition, a gathering of the kins. The preparation went in full swing and October 28th saw the day bright with all the religious celebrations reaching a crescendo, reverberating mantram and homam assuring gods, bliss, the gathering, not bothering about daily routine but only caring for aunty, offering gifts, cutting cakes, a fine south Indian food, a marathon meeting of memories, all the kins from the mothers side, making a bee- hive standing and saluting the Lord to offer love, longevity, health, peace and prosperity to the darling of the masses, the doyen of service, the queen of the scene and honey of the hubby and mother of the dear.
Luray Caverns: Any creativity of man can come out if it is properly recognized, nourished and publicized. Let it be music architecture, literature. The service, sacrifice, motive surpasses the strain, struggle undergone to make it a memorable monument to be adored and revered by posterity. Today, tolerance has taken a backseat and negligence by authorities a mute spectator. Add terrorist attack, resulting in remains. But patriotism, pride, professionalism, public sympathy and awareness should combine to protect the monument, which should become an embodiment as a compliment offered to the creator to augment his good deeds an instrument towards involvement, improvement an acknowledgement and almighty’s investment. Drive a few miles away from Washington, amidst the hillocks and greenery, you will find the above wonder splendour, spellbound you enter to witness the wonderful creation of the Lord, the formation of the rock and how it has been converted into different blocks. The creeper, the divine like carvings, the reflection of the walls in the water, the area resembling like a choultry with pundal, some marriages have taken place, the music you hear from afar, the lucid explanation makes you mum, search for words, glare with awe, salute the Lord and his creator for a skillful combination of effort, efficiency, an enchanting experience of the edifice. The area is far away from the glaring looks of the shooters. Come, shoot the film, hum the music, add to the income and become one with the’ mounabrahmam.’ It can be ranked as the eighth wonder of the world with no words to describe. Only protection we can prescribe to which everyone will subscribe a fitting tribute to the elite tribe, who are not lured by the bribe, who are kept in high esteem by the scribe, a visit to the cave will make you to sit, think a bit, if written with grit, as a novel, becomes a hit, that has lit the hearts of millions of the adorers of the almighty’s creation, a visitor’s revelation, which people greet with standing ovation with citation and depart with veneration.

Rohit Welcomes Toward Lake Tahoe. California Calls

The holy mother was happy with our worship and bestowed the news of our second daughter’s elevation to motherhood and son’s success in his exam. My mother’s sister named Durga, with a radiant face, chanting the name of the holy mother, with a big coin- like vermilon adoring the forehead, sweet smile, soft words, swan like movement, the abode of the holy mother, tied to devotion hubby, heavy built, scholar, vibrant voice, blackish colour, lion hearted, child like softness behind that look, children in no talking mood, but walked to the path of education through endeavour, all engineering experts, reaching the pinnacle of proficiency and prosperity. The shift to Mysore marked the passing on of the spiritual legacy of my mother’s sister to my first uncle, Sri Nagesan, an embodiment of suffering, who took the bull by the horn, an expert in agricultural line, tuned fine by frequent writing, travel taking the toil, uncompromising on ideals, rough in voice tough in work enough to smile even in distress with his Mrs and children burn the midnight oil to earn their degrees, well employed, the new dwelling in Chamarajapuram from where Sri. Chamundeswari temples Gopuram added spectrum and mother solved all other problems with the slogan when I am here why do you fear. Rohit the grandson, worth a mention, with progress as his attention got elevation to states, where he stays and his wedding was a combination of equanimity, in that, he married Sow. Brinda, bringing in daily happiness and the grandma his well- wisher, architect, waited till his wedding and bade final bidding to heaven. To his abode we went who lent absolute affection & shelter; the time spent was really an unforgettable moment. Reno resembles Coorg of India with hill locks on both sides, ever chilly, compelling us to be at home ever. The couples served us with warmth, warm food, warm bed, warm coffee, sweet words, as” love and affection is the monopoly of Mysore section to perfection.” Main business of the city is to manufacture games, computer with Las Vegas near to try a hand.
Darling daughter arrives, a delight beautiful sight. After three days journey started to California with Rohit on the steering with sweet wife by the side, the trio behind music of Kishore crossing the shore, the hills on either side a pleasure to watch, the morning dews offering its dues, the ice catching the eyes,and “aho” it is Tahoe. The lake is a beauty God’s creation, water, everywhere no limitation, an inspiration to the artist, see the sea as far you can see and glee. Take a snap, no nap. Have food, that’s good. Fit for a weekend’s trip to relieve you of the strain. Satisfaction calling you to visit again.

On to San Fransisco in California where lives sow. Shakti with her pathi, a symbol of sympathy, skill, scholarhip, bundled into one. She was our paying guest in Vijayanagar, working with vigour, vibrant, vigorous, speech a pleasure, a temple bell voice which one can rejoice, a good company like” honey to any model to many”. Born in Trichy, where Vinayakar is on the hills, calling us to be calm even in chaos, the Jambulingeswara, in the midst of water asking to be composed, the holy Mariamman in Samayapuram ,teaching us punctuality. Her father, in railways a, mentor always, mother grooming her to be devoted, sisters teaching adjustment, brother teaching not to bother, the wedlock to Anand, an absolute man and a loveable hubby, the offspring Aditya personifying happiness. The new baby girl will enthrall through her skill and will be ready for kill like her mom. The stay in the power house took us to a different world after food.

Next day it was a drive to Livermore where Lord Sri Subramanya invites to have darshan offering vision, making provision for bliss, the more you see the Lord near the sea it is easy to attain ecstasy, enthrilled you will by his smile, praying for his bliss, the food cleaning the lever, the place calling you to visit more. Simply utter numerous namas, your vision enhances love, then to golden gate bridge, across pacific ocean. An engineering marvel par excellence a challenge to the talent a feast to the onlooker, people moving with awe looking at its splendour, spell bound, the water moving in melodious tunes, ships crossing dancing, with hillock carved and converted as a vehicle route.

The Alcatraz – the prison, a vision of the imprisoned immigrants, a monument with a historical document, the bridge, to bridge the gulf of kinship, the terrific pacific specific ,to pass on the information to the future visitors, thus ,it is a sight, never to miss. Next day, a stroll through a ship gave an on the spot accounts of war ships, standing like old warriors, information about immigrants, very lucid. The big buildings and cable car were an added attraction. People offer their lands for development purposes, in that small street ,multiple cars and vehicles pass with cable car taking you to the golden gate. The trip is nice, money wise, where lies the beauty. The crooked road takes you down the street, apply break be cautious, slow. Thus the trip is a memorable commendable experience.
The sweet treatment at Shakti’s, the tasty food at Saravanas, the stroll in the golden gate, the absolute edifice of the alcatraz, the bliss of the Lord of the divine forces, signaling” the best gun that protects us is Lord Murugan” The ship standing silently a replica of the trip, the cable car journey a travelers’ honey, the chocolate we had even though it was late, the big buildings including TransAmerican building signaling the nations glory, The golden gate bridge, the gorgeous fridge, the prison an emotional vision, the pacific ocean the visitors passion. The old ships storehouse of the trips, the patriotism par excellence, the sacrifice to be written as edifice, the hills, the vehicles overseeing the bridge ,symbolizing natures co-operation without grudge, the swelling crowd which the gate is proud, the expression of surprise of course for a price, the passion to come again a correlation The strain though there is sprain resulting in gain; the pacific though terrific is specific that is based on scientific authentic and prolific toil of the proletariats commanding people to come and see enjoy and go back attempt acrobatics not qualification for which you may lack, lest your bones should not crack, projecting the glory of the nation with glorious track.

New Jersey. Mr & Mrs. Anand And Family. Safari And Temples

Happiness has different facets. Meeting a person personally and thanking him is physical. When an examination is passed it is mental, when a religious function is performed, it is spiritual. When an act is performed for the common good it is Universal. Mr. K. V. Ramakrishnan, our brother- in -law is an embodiment of spirituality like the Mahatma from Bengal and his Mrs. an embodiment of peace. Their son Mr. Anand and his family is living in New Jersey. Mr. Anand is very brilliant from the beginning, very beloved boy of the kins. Anand and Latha were instrumental in fixing our first daughters marriage. Thus, it was a thanks giving visit.

The next target was towards the wood the abode of the ascetics but here abode of animals African safari and the mesmerizing magic world on the banks of the Atlantic. The craze for comfort has caused exploitation of natural resources without the knowledge that one day scarcity will lead to paucity, leading to extinction. Animals are migrating to cities in search of water and shelter. Fish is happy, if it is in water. If it comes out, fish will become a dish, or a medicine or a show- piece at home. America feels really indispensable for care and nurture showing animals fair attention. African safari: With instructions welcoming visitors, rules followed meticulously in letter and spirit, silence maintained every where wild animals worth a glance from afar, mild animals deserving a touch, birds a treat to the eye, the dance of the elephant trunk, the majestic movement of the lions and tigers, the peacocks dancing with feathers opened, the camels coming near the car for food, demand through sound, the jumping of monkeys, shows animal kingdom wants freedom like man and if man keeps them happy they will make him happy. Do not destroy them for desires. Build them, bring them up, be happy.
Then towards Atlantic ocean, end of eastern side of America and on the other side you have UK. The gorgeous buildings with romantic roman style, when is it built, Venice style, the Taj ascending here sending you to raptures, once entered, it is a mesmerizing world with colourful lamps, multiple people, multiplying money, in the machines to become millionaires, computers calling you to play games, not a shame, not for fame, none to blame, it is the same to earn a few dollars. Insert the dollars, play the number, try and try again, you will gain. ATMs pay your prize promptly but men never because” lust first luck next.” Play as a hobby and return without causing concern because the more you are here there is the fear of your money becoming all clear So dear, go near, with fear come back here, Don’t hear the word “all clear” as you may have to shed tear. It was Dussera and on the eighth day again we met at Anand’s, had a spiritual gathering with Mr and Mrssreedhar as guest of honour adding colour and glamour with a meeting after eating which was upbeating the significance of the gathering, the need to get together, remember, recollect, rejoice episodes anectodes, thanking the almighty and the elders for an opportunity to meet, eat, and chat and maintain this tradition even in an alien country. International celebration of Dussera was really inspiring. Previously kings used to celebrate. They disappeared and it is in vogue in religious shrines like Sringeri, where there is no hurry, daily sweet curry, surrounded by Hari, greenery, scintillating scenery, the consorts of the trinities in charge of wealth, wisdom and valour propitiated three days in an order. Ultimate day is the day of victory. Creeper of desires, happiness, its combination, the king, good wish, moonlight, honesty all under one roof - an ample proof of unity in diversity.

Over To Niagara. Devavara. Anandasagara. Buffalo Mahishasura K R Sagara.

Among the five elements of nature, water plays an important part; the others being space, earth, fire, air. The space depicts the large heart of man, earth patience, fire purity, air the cool experience. Water flowing from the mountains slowly moves downwards, proceeds swinging and dancing in different speed to become a tank, a river and merging in the ocean. Water, when solid becomes ice, when melted water, and when heated, becomes smoke, reaching the sky. The clouds convert them into rain helping in producing crops, drinking, giving shelter to numerous species like fish, cleansing the sins, named as mothers ,as it is kind -hearted, willing always to ensure relief. Lord Shiva, is having Gangadevi on his head and hence cool and composed with his consort Uma. When requested for release by Bhagiratha, Ganga’s only condition was ‘who will face the surging speed’ Shiva unlocked his jata and allowed it to flow. Hence, he is gangadhara. Then Vishnu released through his foot, then sage Janhu through his ears, hence called Janhavi. The common feature between Karnataka and states [US] is ,one has to pass through buffalo city to reach Niagara. In Sanskrit buffalo means Mahisha, the demon, who was killed by mother Chamundeswari. There is one famous dam called Krishna Raja Sagara, a heaven brought to earth by a wizard, Sir. M. V, a garden emerging on the earth a paradise for lovers, the life giver for peasants, an engineering marvel, still inviting international and national visitors who wink, witness and wonder with awe. Our flight was preceded to Niagara through alighting at buffalo. The village leading to Niagara reminds you of KR Sagara.

Enter Niagara: Big buildings welcome you; with a sip of coffee, proceed to the garden, full of greenery, grandeur, and gaiety. The falls: What a coincidence between Niagara and KR Sagara both ending in gara. The Canadian border is an Added attraction. One can witness the rows surrounding the falls. The flow of water in different rhythms, different Force, different quantity reminds us the’thani avarthanam’ of palghat mani Iyer, producing different melodies in different tunes, thunder, soft, medium, melodious, a percussionist of par -excellence. The visitor is awed by the splendour, attraction, mesmerised by the melody, floored by the flow, spellbound by the serenity, baffled by the beauty, forgetting the vicinity, words becoming silent before natures beauty, created by the almighty, maintained superbly by the authority, witnessed by the viewers with serenity, a pat for their affinity, a lesson to the posterity, a pleasant gift to the community by the eternity. The sun is back home. Darkness engulfes the area. Lights on, right before you. To fight the darkness, don’t wait, stand straight to watch the light beamed before you, in different colours; the water takes that colour that is projected before you. Gods ‘beauty is reflected through the sculptors intelligence; we salute them with reverence. Thus gods convergence with man’s intelligence merged has led to this consequence in deference to the wishes of his children that will influence everyone, the inference being reverence to the Lord, preference to protection, adherence to the natures laws, confluence of intelligence, patience, diligence, bringing in balance of mind of mankind which in other places you can’t find forcing the people to carry this gala memory behind.

Next day, the decision to see the falls from downwards took us to falls again. Tickets purchased, lift entered, you are downward. Given blue uniform, Resembling sky or water you too become one with them. The boat starts, moves, the splash of water, shivering due to cold, mouth opened with awe, what a vision. The water touches you as, you go further. You are around the water, falls covered all sides, the dance to the tune of the waves, in the centre you merge with the ocean, feeling commotion, emotion, compelling the onlookers to cheer and dance with ecstasy, dressing drenched, hairs getting awry, hair splitting experience, that one hour in the boat a challenging sport, makes you to report to thy kins who seek your support and rapport for their visit. Get down the boat. Climb the steep steps. A view from the steps, it is like enjoying an ice cream, cone, cup, candy, anything. When you greet the sweet, what a treat, do you feel to have retreat or give a treat to the almighty; since he is not available, treat the host with whom you can boast of the toast called the legendary trip. The day dawns and it is back to Buffalo. No sleep for 2 days because mind is thinking about it, ears are hearing the sound , eye refuses to see other things , mouth hasty to share their experience with others , but nothing arises your anxiety getting absolutely remembering this astounding ,experience fueling anxiety, logic, love, spontaneously . If you were to be a poet write a poem, an author, write a story, an artiste, paint a picture, a sculptor, carve an image, a carpenter, make a model, a tailor, prepare a shirt, a seller, sell literature, a hoteler, prepare a dish, a film maker, shoot a scene, a musician, play the instrument, a runner, have a marathon race, a jumper ,jump in joy, a speaker, talk extempore, a dumb man shed tears, an onloolker, witness without wincing, a watcher, sit tight till night, a spiritual figure salute the creator who gives his pleasant experience like the hot coffee from a percolator.


Boston. A Brilliant Experience

After saluting the Lord in Flushing and Maryland the journey was towards Boston to pray the boss to offer the boon in tons. He knows what to offer and leave the choice to him.

On to Prabha’s house, the darling daughter of Sri K.V.RAMAKRISHNAN, learned and loveable. Joining TCS in the beginning, taking challenges boldly and descending in the states, settled in Boston. The hubby Sri venky is the key to keep the kinship; cordiality in his house is always in plenty; he is a symbol of prosperity, gaiety, acceptability.

In the midst of the greenery, a beautiful scenery where wisdom welfare, wealth and valour vie with one another, the visitor awed and dumb-founded by the hospitality extended, the wife and hubby, vying with one another in extending cordiality, courtesy, and their lad, brilliant, beloved Vikram breaking record in all the fields, a proud possession of the parents indeed. Worshipping the Lord, seeing movies, evening stroll, long talk in the night, sharing the experience, failed to remind us, that one week had passed.

On a Saturday, on to Boston market {tea} where the localites refused to pay tax which was imposed by the British and poured the product in the sea. Later the order was withdrawn. On to Harvard and MIT universities, the sprawling grounds, red buildings, resembling one in London, reminding us of a British colony, people moving in a disciplined, dignified manner, well- dressed, with majesty, poise personified. Hence students long to come and stay here, if not, for education for enjoyment - memorable experience that will nourish their brilliance to open the pen, breaking the silence, to strive for omniscience, inspiring their conscience and asking for good performance and later occupying a position of affluence, got without influence but shrewd inference at the time of entrance.

The queens market invites you: Before you enter there is the snake- charmer entertaining you with his acrobatic skills, coupled with colleagues, the dollar of the onlooker has changed over to the street player. Enter the market, fix the target, purchase items, touch thy empty pocket, have food, its good.

Proceed to Prudential buildings, on the way witness the tall buildings reflecting the efforts of the business mughals, the cars moving in procession, the proud possession of people with vision. Move to the prudential buildings, from where you can witness the city of Boston, against the setting sun of the proud possession of the land of the son attaining this position by vision, provision, worthy of mention. Watch the movie of the city and enjoy its beauty.

Come to the museum, have an idea of vision, mind and effects, then enjoy animal kingdom.
Move to science dept, it is computer everywhere - an evolution making a revolution in every field making a provision for its use in every field and its possession enhancing the position of the nation in all the fields without hesitation creating to reach the top position with ambition, position, unison and a boon to the future generation.


Then a trip to the abode of goddess of wealth sitting with her consort, Narayana, along with other deities, area silent, serene, devotion stemming from the heart, prayer you start, it reaches the Lord and his sweetheart, ready to part with what you chart, mind refusing to depart, but moves with a heavy- heart, mother asking on her part to come again to this abode of last resort.

A few yards away Sri. Kannan/Kuppuswamy welcomes you our second mama’s son, who was magnanimous, kind hearted, loveable, a majestic personality with gaiety. He was kind enough to recollect old memories and maintaining the Indian tradition, with due provision for local vision, continuing the tradition of all the noble qualities for which he stood for. The heart is broad, the vision of the Lord, the freedom to sing like a bard, with an excellent vocal chord, though living in a faraway ward with goodwill as the reward. To carry forward, though it is hard, the chain of kinship, the strong ship, sailing in the boat of friendship, worthy of worship, based on the deed of goodwill, love, regard, recollection of experiences, a cemented partnership.

Thus the drive to visit the place coupled with the delightful drive of the son- in- law agreeing to join to make this trip a gala affair. The excellent treatment of Prabha, the genuine guidance of Venky, the sprawling greenery, a beautiful scenery, the calm atmosphere for spiritual exercise - the throat chuckled, unable to release the bond of affection, forcing us with a pledge to visit again, warmth and love packed in the luggage, along with baggage carried easily in spite of the old age as the privilege, the place fit for the stay of a sage, which will never encourage the quality of rage, like the parrot voluntarily willing to live in the cage, using the adage, love has no barriers but only transport carriers.
The visit to Boston and its excellent memory, the visit to the temple of goddess of wealth to seek her bliss, along with other deities, the visit to Kannan’s, the son of a giant and great personality, who stood for all that is noble like a Himalayan mountain, welcoming odds with smile, and accepting life’s tests with open arms, and proved an epitome to Lord Narayana, in charge of protection, who is perpetuating the same ideals in letter and spirit, whose house is an embodiment of Indian tradition and hospitality, courtesy, cordiality, unity, coupled with blend of local culture, education in harmony, synthesis of the orient and the occident, a model for the residents who wish to stay here with the principle stay here permanently, visit India occasionally. Thus boss is Lord Narayana who offers bliss to all, has got four hands with conch, signifying war against bad elements, mace, to weed out evil forces, wheel to show that, life is full of ups and downs and always there is light in the tunnel and flower, to extend the hand of friendship universally. His wife is goddess of wealth signifying prosperity. He is sleeping in the ocean of milk signifying purity and on Adishesha, who is guarding all, ever vigilant. A visit to Boston by a simpleton asking the brethren to fasten their belts and run toward the mountain of glory. When a poet who was blind wrote divine comedy, viz Milton people with vision should never miss Boston. After saluting the Lord in Flushing and Maryland the journey was towards Boston to pray the boss to offer the boon in tons. He knows what to offer and leave the choice to him.

On to Prabha’s house, the darling daughter of Sri K.V.RAMAKRISHNAN, learned and loveable. Joining TCS in the beginning, taking challenges boldly and descending in the states, settled in Boston. The hubby Sri venky is the key to keep the kinship; cordiality in his house is always in plenty; he is a symbol of prosperity, gaiety, acceptability.

In the midst of the greenery, a beautiful scenery where wisdom welfare, wealth and valour vie with one another, the visitor awed and dumb-founded by the hospitality extended, the wife and hubby, vying with one another in extending cordiality, courtesy, and their lad, brilliant, beloved Vikram breaking record in all the fields, a proud possession of the parents indeed. Worshipping the Lord, seeing movies, evening stroll, long talk in the night, sharing the experience, failed to remind us, that one week had passed.

On a Saturday, on to Boston market {tea} where the localites refused to pay tax which was imposed by the British and poured the product in the sea. Later the order was withdrawn. On to Harvard and MIT universities, the sprawling grounds, red buildings, resembling one in London, reminding us of a British colony, people moving in a disciplined, dignified manner, well- dressed, with majesty, poise personified. Hence students long to come and stay here, if not, for education for enjoyment - memorable experience that will nourish their brilliance to open the pen, breaking the silence, to strive for omniscience, inspiring their conscience and asking for good performance and later occupying a position of affluence, got without influence but shrewd inference at the time of entrance.

The queens market invites you: Before you enter there is the snake- charmer entertaining you with his acrobatic skills, coupled with colleagues, the dollar of the onlooker has changed over to the street player. Enter the market, fix the target, purchase items, touch thy empty pocket, have food, its good.

Proceed to Prudential buildings, on the way witness the tall buildings reflecting the efforts of the business mughals, the cars moving in procession, the proud possession of people with vision. Move to the prudential buildings, from where you can witness the city of Boston, against the setting sun of the proud possession of the land of the son attaining this position by vision, provision, worthy of mention. Watch the movie of the city and enjoy its beauty.

Come to the museum, have an idea of vision, mind and effects, then enjoy animal kingdom.
Move to science dept, it is computer everywhere - an evolution making a revolution in every field making a provision for its use in every field and its possession enhancing the position of the nation in all the fields without hesitation creating to reach the top position with ambition, position, unison and a boon to the future generation.


Then a trip to the abode of goddess of wealth sitting with her consort, Narayana, along with other deities, area silent, serene, devotion stemming from the heart, prayer you start, it reaches the Lord and his sweetheart, ready to part with what you chart, mind refusing to depart, but moves with a heavy- heart, mother asking on her part to come again to this abode of last resort.

A few yards away Sri. Kannan/Kuppuswamy welcomes you our second mama’s son, who was magnanimous, kind hearted, loveable, a majestic personality with gaiety. He was kind enough to recollect old memories and maintaining the Indian tradition, with due provision for local vision, continuing the tradition of all the noble qualities for which he stood for. The heart is broad, the vision of the Lord, the freedom to sing like a bard, with an excellent vocal chord, though living in a faraway ward with goodwill as the reward. To carry forward, though it is hard, the chain of kinship, the strong ship, sailing in the boat of friendship, worthy of worship, based on the deed of goodwill, love, regard, recollection of experiences, a cemented partnership.

Thus the drive to visit the place coupled with the delightful drive of the son- in- law agreeing to join to make this trip a gala affair. The excellent treatment of Prabha, the genuine guidance of Venky, the sprawling greenery, a beautiful scenery, the calm atmosphere for spiritual exercise - the throat chuckled, unable to release the bond of affection, forcing us with a pledge to visit again, warmth and love packed in the luggage, along with baggage carried easily in spite of the old age as the privilege, the place fit for the stay of a sage, which will never encourage the quality of rage, like the parrot voluntarily willing to live in the cage, using the adage, love has no barriers but only transport carriers.
The visit to Boston and its excellent memory, the visit to the temple of goddess of wealth to seek her bliss, along with other deities, the visit to Kannan’s, the son of a giant and great personality, who stood for all that is noble like a Himalayan mountain, welcoming odds with smile, and accepting life’s tests with open arms, and proved an epitome to Lord Narayana, in charge of protection, who is perpetuating the same ideals in letter and spirit, whose house is an embodiment of Indian tradition and hospitality, courtesy, cordiality, unity, coupled with blend of local culture, education in harmony, synthesis of the orient and the occident, a model for the residents who wish to stay here with the principle stay here permanently, visit India occasionally. Thus boss is Lord Narayana who offers bliss to all, has got four hands with conch, signifying war against bad elements, mace, to weed out evil forces, wheel to show that, life is full of ups and downs and always there is light in the tunnel and flower, to extend the hand of friendship universally. His wife is goddess of wealth signifying prosperity. He is sleeping in the ocean of milk signifying purity and on Adishesha, who is guarding all, ever vigilant. A visit to Boston by a simpleton asking the brethren to fasten their belts and run toward the mountain of glory. When a poet who was blind wrote divine comedy, viz Milton people with vision should never miss Boston. After saluting the Lord in Flushing and Maryland the journey was towards Boston to pray the boss to offer the boon in tons. He knows what to offer and leave the choice to him.

On to Prabha’s house, the darling daughter of Sri K.V.RAMAKRISHNAN, learned and loveable. Joining TCS in the beginning, taking challenges boldly and descending in the states, settled in Boston. The hubby Sri venky is the key to keep the kinship; cordiality in his house is always in plenty; he is a symbol of prosperity, gaiety, acceptability.

In the midst of the greenery, a beautiful scenery where wisdom welfare, wealth and valour vie with one another, the visitor awed and dumb-founded by the hospitality extended, the wife and hubby, vying with one another in extending cordiality, courtesy, and their lad, brilliant, beloved Vikram breaking record in all the fields, a proud possession of the parents indeed. Worshipping the Lord, seeing movies, evening stroll, long talk in the night, sharing the experience, failed to remind us, that one week had passed.

On a Saturday, on to Boston market {tea} where the localites refused to pay tax which was imposed by the British and poured the product in the sea. Later the order was withdrawn. On to Harvard and MIT universities, the sprawling grounds, red buildings, resembling one in London, reminding us of a British colony, people moving in a disciplined, dignified manner, well- dressed, with majesty, poise personified. Hence students long to come and stay here, if not, for education for enjoyment - memorable experience that will nourish their brilliance to open the pen, breaking the silence, to strive for omniscience, inspiring their conscience and asking for good performance and later occupying a position of affluence, got without influence but shrewd inference at the time of entrance.

The queens market invites you: Before you enter there is the snake- charmer entertaining you with his acrobatic skills, coupled with colleagues, the dollar of the onlooker has changed over to the street player. Enter the market, fix the target, purchase items, touch thy empty pocket, have food, its good.

Proceed to Prudential buildings, on the way witness the tall buildings reflecting the efforts of the business mughals, the cars moving in procession, the proud possession of people with vision. Move to the prudential buildings, from where you can witness the city of Boston, against the setting sun of the proud possession of the land of the son attaining this position by vision, provision, worthy of mention. Watch the movie of the city and enjoy its beauty.

Come to the museum, have an idea of vision, mind and effects, then enjoy animal kingdom.
Move to science dept, it is computer everywhere - an evolution making a revolution in every field making a provision for its use in every field and its possession enhancing the position of the nation in all the fields without hesitation creating to reach the top position with ambition, position, unison and a boon to the future generation.


Then a trip to the abode of goddess of wealth sitting with her consort, Narayana, along with other deities, area silent, serene, devotion stemming from the heart, prayer you start, it reaches the Lord and his sweetheart, ready to part with what you chart, mind refusing to depart, but moves with a heavy- heart, mother asking on her part to come again to this abode of last resort.

A few yards away Sri. Kannan/Kuppuswamy welcomes you our second mama’s son, who was magnanimous, kind hearted, loveable, a majestic personality with gaiety. He was kind enough to recollect old memories and maintaining the Indian tradition, with due provision for local vision, continuing the tradition of all the noble qualities for which he stood for. The heart is broad, the vision of the Lord, the freedom to sing like a bard, with an excellent vocal chord, though living in a faraway ward with goodwill as the reward. To carry forward, though it is hard, the chain of kinship, the strong ship, sailing in the boat of friendship, worthy of worship, based on the deed of goodwill, love, regard, recollection of experiences, a cemented partnership.

Thus the drive to visit the place coupled with the delightful drive of the son- in- law agreeing to join to make this trip a gala affair. The excellent treatment of Prabha, the genuine guidance of Venky, the sprawling greenery, a beautiful scenery, the calm atmosphere for spiritual exercise - the throat chuckled, unable to release the bond of affection, forcing us with a pledge to visit again, warmth and love packed in the luggage, along with baggage carried easily in spite of the old age as the privilege, the place fit for the stay of a sage, which will never encourage the quality of rage, like the parrot voluntarily willing to live in the cage, using the adage, love has no barriers but only transport carriers.
The visit to Boston and its excellent memory, the visit to the temple of goddess of wealth to seek her bliss, along with other deities, the visit to Kannan’s, the son of a giant and great personality, who stood for all that is noble like a Himalayan mountain, welcoming odds with smile, and accepting life’s tests with open arms, and proved an epitome to Lord Narayana, in charge of protection, who is perpetuating the same ideals in letter and spirit, whose house is an embodiment of Indian tradition and hospitality, courtesy, cordiality, unity, coupled with blend of local culture, education in harmony, synthesis of the orient and the occident, a model for the residents who wish to stay here with the principle stay here permanently, visit India occasionally. Thus boss is Lord Narayana who offers bliss to all, has got four hands with conch, signifying war against bad elements, mace, to weed out evil forces, wheel to show that, life is full of ups and downs and always there is light in the tunnel and flower, to extend the hand of friendship universally. His wife is goddess of wealth signifying prosperity. He is sleeping in the ocean of milk signifying purity and on Adishesha, who is guarding all, ever vigilant. A visit to Boston by a simpleton asking the brethren to fasten their belts and run toward the mountain of glory. When a poet who was blind wrote divine comedy, viz Milton people with vision should never miss Boston.

Shubha’s Abode; Long Acre Building. New York - Big Buildings, Tremendous Traffic, Romantic Roads, Historical Buildings. Shubha’s Abode; Long Acre .

Heaven with all the amenities ,if brought to earth and placed in a plate, add the menu of discipline, dedication, devotion with utmost utilization of natural resources, upkeep and excellent maintenance, guarding the greenery, committed citizens, polished policemen all put together is USA and New York is the capital a symbol of the above said adjectives.

Shubha’s abode: Though frequent travel is strenuous, my daughter’s stay in New York is a blessing in disguise. The building is called Long acre building, with shops around and tall buildings; with 27 floors, the apartment is compact, comfortable, signifying, how the available area can be utilized with a little brilliance and finance and commonsense. Down, you have access to any place through trains, viz uptown and down town. As everything is machine here, purchase tickets through credit cards, swipe and enter. The station has a big store and releasing area is called rest room. Enter the train. There are signs for destinations - fast trains, often crowded, on the way - announcements to alight at the station, with escalators to tread. Meet some salesman or musicians, enjoy. This train system was introduced in 1920, a tremendous system. Each train no strain, very fine, you gain, try again. Reliable, risk free, remarkable, rejoicing, railway system. Bus system’ meets the internal system, takes you to any part of the city. Long distance vehicles are also available. Enter, swipe the card or exact change, watch the seat, for aged or disabled, sit, proceed, witness the beauty, and enjoy the journey. Air facility is considered as one of the best in the world; named after that great soul, is the JFK airport. First baggage checking, confirmation of tickets, personal checking, passenger asked to proceed to that particular lounge where the plane proceeds. Airport has all the facilities like rest room and cafeteria, computer, TV etc and if the distance is a bit far, internal van will take you to and from the plane. It is JFK - judicious, faithful, and keen steps, with stress on safety, security, strict vigilance, systematic handling, skillful management, stewardship by each staff, signifying the most affordable, appreciable, amenable, admirable airways. This transportation is like a family run by husband through mutual respect, tolerance and understanding.

Here, family is America, husband being people patriotism the basis of performance, transportation being wife, acting, knowing the pulse of the commuters. Cohesion, cooperation, and convenience is the mantra, promptness, punctuality and perfection as petrol, talent, technology and timings as the mechanism, public welfare, acceptance, appreciation, as the tool to work, helping nature, homogeneity, health care as the basis; cleanliness, care, caution ,-as the key- factor, pollution free, praiseworthy, prudent in performance, laudable, loved and liked by the commuters, one can’t help bowing his head in reverence for this excellent transport system appreciated by the localites/outsiders, worthy of emulation by other nations who are willing to improve their tourist image and increase their earnings. Rose its fragrance, fruit its taste, man his glory, nature, its beauty, is acceptable everywhere, by everyone, every time.

Central Park: To get relieved from stress, men use many methods like books, radio, tv etc, people using nature is an exception. Man’s desire for exploitation of resources has deprived people of their right to stroll, sit in open space and enjoy. Concrete jungles have deprived children of the place to play. Hence, government has kept a portion of these areas for development of parks, play grounds. Suns rays increases your pace, brisk walk makes you risk less, cool air a healthy heir to enjoy, contact with nature brings one leisure. Contact with nature assures longevity, leisure, laziness weeded out, giving a fillip to labour. Garden guards against all odds. It is a vast area running to 10 acres. The gorgeous greenery makes one mesmerized. Slow and fast runners, couples with their talks, people moving with their pets, aged moving with their walking stick, with innocent smile on their spaces, beaming mother, bringing their children on crutches, some engrossed in books, some working on laptops, and some speaking to themselves. Amenities provided, make the place a memorable one. The weak take the coaches or rickshaws. With a committee looking after maintenance, it reflects the regard of the citizens for environment, ecology, worthy of emulation. This is the central park; you can walk, talk, sit on the rock and take stock. But go before you see the lock; don’t grab anything, lest you are in the dock; return before it is dark to avoid any probable shock.

Empire State Building: Coconut tree requires a lot of nourishing and the yield will benefit the coming generation in course of time. The product used during all religious occasions and used as auxiliary to food. Every man who wants to grow tall will be welcome, if it is mental, spiritual and scholarly progress - a legend to be remembered by posterity. This building with 80 floors takes you to the top after rigorous security check from where you can witness tiny buildings, shops, people crossing, and vehicle zooming towards the airport. All memorials like WTC, United Nations, Rockefeller buildings ensure strong base for a happy and peaceful life.

World trade centre: From village, city, state, country, worldwide trade has developed. Hence traveling is the order of the day. The greed, lust, hatred, took the toil of the centre, wiped off totally by culprits. The visit to the centre brings tears, curse the terrorists; the shattered pieces bring sympathy. Undeterred, a new building is coming up for working towards common goal.

Madame Tussauds: God is awed by his creation and man is awed by his creation. He creates figures in wood, plaster of Paris and people in different walks stand together as statues witnessed by spectators giving pose, expose their beauty, compose a poem, suppose I am that figure how I shine, propose you to Lord you may. Really an awesome reflection of mans multi-faced brilliance creating reverence to the maker and happiness to the viewer.

Sri Vigneswara temple, Flushing: He is the teacher showing that” parents are real gods,” a first short hand writer of Mahabharatha, prevented Ravana from carrying Atmalinga. The temple is self contained with machines for tickets, Pandits for pooja which is systamatic, authentic, with a cosmetic touch. Well maintained, a culmination of different forms of god culminated to bless, canteen below to quench hunger, the priest offfered us excellent service compelling us to visit again and again for gain. Located in the holy street the Lord will greet with smiles making us difficult to retreat, as the treat of his grace is really upbeat, relieving us of the heat of emotions, giving us a neat package of his grace, asking us to visit again.

Liberty statue: Liberty though a man’s prerogative is marred by desire, grudges, hatred - renouncing of which pronounces his freedom, a divine gift. Freedom is obtained after lot of struggle and sweat. The statue stands on a river to welcome all visitors. The buildings on the right signifying economic progress is ensured, if followed by sincere effort, sweat and grit. New Jersey gives the message that prosperity must be spread between urban and rural parts equally. The constitution book in the left hand calls for safeguarding the laws enacted and the victory signal to signify that man must maintain poise to reach the summit of glory, the pinnacle of progress, the summit of success, the aroma of achievement, the everest of everlasting endeavour, exhilarating and enchanting.

Rockefeller building: Named after a governer of the city, an amalgam of business centres ascend the top and witness the city, a beauty.
United Nations: A platform to propagate peace signaling the struggle of the nations for the purpose and ensuring prosperity, to consolidate and annihilate conflict of heats and ensure welfare through cooperation, coordination and cohesion. Sales counter signifies propagating the message and self sufficiency worthy of emulation by others. Newyork-_ means new euphoria witnessing young old alike rekindling knowledge, kindness towards progress, prosperity and plenty. Men machines, materials, magnanimity, mind, mutual admiration, masculine grit marching together in unison toward the ultimate goal, mixing love, labour, loyalty, liberty - all marching towards path of progress to build a prosperous powerful America

The Rajadhani Temple. Maryland Shiva Vishnu Temple

Rajadhani means capitol, Washington means, Lord cleanses sins committed in the past, present and future. Raja is king. Here Lord sits in the temple, representing the heart, calm and green surroundings, North Indian style construction with marble idols mesmerizing and motivating for meditation. Devotion expressed here is calm and serene communication through thoughts, no commotion no emotion, but guaranteed position. Here heart speaks to heart with surrender as the cart running to the ultimate resort without being caught by unnecessary thought. In north it is Bhakthipradhana where Lord is prayed with mesmerizing music, meditation, merging with the Mahaswami.

An hour’s drive - you are in Maryland. Here there is nothing but absolute bliss. Like a man getting a gold bar instead of a gold piece. God is the ever shining gold glittering in the heart of the good, mine to be dug material extracted. Remove pronoun Mine and replace by noun mine is yours. Gold purified through contact with the fire will be trimmed to be an ornament. Likewise evil qualities burnt, brings noble qualities out and the bride called knowledge weds the bridegroom – a matured man resulting in the birth of a wine called divine knowledge. The gold is converted into a beautiful ornament called Lords bliss, which he can adorn and show to his kin who will first look with scorn, then purchase, wear, become proud, propagate, preach, play with gaiety, proceeding towards the lotus feet of the Paramathma, singing the song of salvation, forgetting the pang of separation, abandoning the garb of limitation, abandoning the pang of birth by rotation, immersed in meditation, invoking the Lord with concentration as the ultimate solution. The demon Bhasmasura got a boon from Lord shiva that anyone on whose head his hand is placed will be burnt. When he tried this on Lord Shiva he approached Lord Narayana who in the guise of a beautiful dancer called Mohini forced the demon to place his hand on his head by which he crushed and perished; A good example is modern day lending by a banker. To annihilate Mahishi, the tejas of Vishnu and Siva merged and Lord Aiyappa appeared. Strict bachelor as he is, sitting in Sabarimalai, he is inviting devotees to his fold under strict surveillance, strict adherence to celibacy, prayer, single- pointed devotion, live like a monk for a mandala, find a guru, have irumudi, carry on the head, carry on the journey, first darshan at erumeli, bath in pampa, climb the steps chanting his name, reach the sanctum sanctorum, see the Lord, surrender, offer irumudi, pray for purification, frequent darshan and ultimate salvation.

The background is for the Shiva Vishnu temple as Shiva’s heart is Vishnu and Vishnu’s heart is Shiva. A temple built on the southern style with white background brimming around; the temple is an amalgam of different form of deities. The deity starting with Lord Vigneswara, followed by the consorts of the trinities Dakshinamurthy, the king of meditation, then the Lord of the seven hills, standing majestically, to bless those who salute his lotus feet, Sri Rama with his consort and devoted servant hanuman offering bliss, a round around Navagraha to seek all-round welfare, then the Lord Sri Subramanya standing wih his consorts, staring at those ,who salute him, smiling ,offering security prosperity, serenity, longevity, moving to meet Lord shiva keen to protect his devotees. A right turn still further, Lord aiyappa is sitting with his brethrens Lord vinayaka and shanmukha assuring sharanam papa naashanam and dukha “nivaranam to his devotees and assuring to his devotees’’ if you cannot climb the hill and undergo the rigorous drill even ignoring the chill, I will appreciate the will and surely kill evil forces to bring in your life everlasting thrill called anugraha. “

It is said, in the south it is achara that is important. The priest should be a perfectionist in the profession, purity epitomized, plain hearted, sacrificing pomp, with thrikala sandhyavandana, chanting of the holy scriptures, manthras reproduced reverberating in the minds of the audience, abhishekam a pleasure, archana an experience, arathi a gaiety, vandanam or salutation a satisfaction, holywater accepted as a sign of humility, prasadam representing anandam, the finale pradakshina a dakshina to the Lord in charge of samrakshana, mind refusing to depart, chain of kinship willing to stay to gain, forgetting the strain, a composed brain, the anandam pouring like heavy rain, the heart sitting in the train happily, for a journey to the ultimate domain to drink the tasteful wine of divine, with the slogan nothing is mine, all is thine that will shine for ever in the divine dominated mine. Those who forget have to pay fine, those who enjoy will say fine, with the expressions exhibited numbering nine asking everyone to follow the line. Thus a visit to Sri Shiva Vishnu temple is an unforgettable experience. Thus the Lord who emerged in India traveled all the way to America, crossing the ocean, to bless those who live here and are willing to cross the ocean of samsara and proceed to his land Maryland called Vaikunta.

All words when combined will make a sentence
All flowers when combined will make a garland
All tunes when merged will become music
All nations when merged becomes the world
All knowledge when merged becomes spirituality
All types of meditation when merged becomes prayer
All rivers when merged becomes ocean
All hills when merged become mountain
All yogas when merged becomes shiva
All numbers when merged becomes vishnu All knowledge when merged becomes his knowledge

The Home, Greenery Garden Surrounded Area

God created man and nature with the knowledge that he is God’s product and the resources are given for his enjoyment. Through prayer when this is realized, all his desires vanquished, mind quietened, peace prevails. The magnitude of material needs has robbed the man of peace and the quiet place where he can pour his pleadings to Paramatma is the temple. Even in a materialistic country like usa my daughter’s abode is using spirituality absolutely. The compromise between material needs, utilization of natural resources to the brim, saving the greenery, is really revolutionary.
Capital Washington, represents the figure of a learned man. Learned is unassuming. The first president was an embodiment of sacrifice. simplicity, statesmanship and scholarly, amply represented by cleanliness, calm, quiet atmosphere, the white house representing purity, poignancy, plain living, the Lincoln memorial signaling the arrival of a man who marveled in preaching peace, freedom, simplicity; the war memorial depicting the sacrifice of the soldiers during struggle, capital hill building, representing constitutional code of conduct, clean, clear and comprehensive; the big monument touching the sky representing the goal of life to touch the top through toil. The statue of Dr. Einstein represents e/mc2 - enjoy/mutual cooperation from both sides.

An hour’s drive from Washington, you are in Herndon. A few yards drive - stands rainbow court, my daughter’s abode, attractive, accommodative, acceptable and adorable. The two gadgets welcome with open arms, when once you enter the arena in a four wheeler. The big hall representing the Lords Heart, the side hall representing the party hall where all the house members can have entertainment, enjoyment, excitement. The kitchen represents an aroma of food prepared by the king of the palace. The party brings different people and pleasant memories together. Go upstairs, the Lord’s room for his prayer saluted by the sun with different images of the Lord and the work from home office where the computer completes the chores. The guest room filled with the latest furniture, rest chair and entertainment materials, the lawn, the calm backyard, the ground floor giving entertainment, thus all put together, a heaven on the earth descended, nurtured, blessed and lauded by the callers.

R. Responsibility A. Ambition In. Initiative B. Beauty O. Openness W. Wealth C. Courtesy Oomniscience U. Unity R. Radiance T. Twinkling .

A 20 minute drive takes to Raj’s brother’s house Mr. and Mrs. Lakshman, their son Amit and daughter Anika whose hospitality, and affinity is enjoyed with quite intensity. The long cherished dream of the tour was inaugurated in my daughter’s abode with a fortnight’s stay. The calm place is very catchy, mesmerizing one for meditation, worthy place for worship, an arena of adoration, a pure place for peace, surrounding silence, bringing peace, elegance, the cool breeze, greenery, bringing to mind, the replica of a resort, the big and broad interior portion, representing the heart of the Lord. The warmth and courtesy extended to us reminding us the home of hospitality, binds you for ever refusing to part, as it becomes a part of our memory, but our prayer to Lord is that, this abode should become an amalgam of the amenities, that the almighty might offer, driving out miseries, bringing bounties to inmates, to live long happily with health, helpfully, to herald a new era of homogeneity.

The Couple Arrives To Receive; New York In The Night, A Rare Sight

Through a book we collect information about a place. Mind longs to visit, travel planned, on return, share with others. That is the crux of traveling. The visit to the seven hills despite difficulties when undertaken and the Lord in the sanctum sanctorum is visited, strain, struggle takes a backseat and satisfaction and submission to the supernatural stands supreme. Same joy is echoed when a good film or novel is witnessed and read. Character catches you culminating in thrilling experience. The flavour of the flower; the taste of the sweet, the contribution of the person to the society is recognized when it is witnessed, lauded and appreciated by one and all.

Our country achieved independence sixty years ago and efforts to build a strong India were started with various plans ably contributed by public and private sectors followed by aids from international institutions. Retaining the old legacy and rejuvenating, the new country is marching on; But, not on expected lines. What ails our progress? Mahatma advised congress party not to govern but they did. Lack of initiative,” I will do everything” attitude by the government, no time for citizen to intervene, powerful men have become ministers for power, the three wings of administration lacking coordination, taxes paid ,but not reachable like the mobile, ministers preferring their area for development irrespective of infrastructure, wrangling by opposition irrespective of merits, funds go into the pockets rather than projects, merit derailed by reservation, though it has its own reservations, the list is voluminous. Hence, no progress. Hence clamour to search jobs and settle in states is the order of the day. What is the attraction? Patriotism? No patronage of personalities, qualified senate members discuss issues on merits not making an issue and decide about national good. The dual parties are parties to any programme implemented without partiality with the fear of dethroning in franchise if they go wrong. One need not stop the car if the vip passes because public interest surpasses personal interest. Disasters have taught them to be diligent, calamities to commitment, patriotism to performance, necessity to protect natural resources, broad-mindedness for big roads, meticulous machine for everything, to climb the ladder of success to sky scrappers, intelligence to innovations, contentment to a comfortable life. Weekend holidays gives them time for personal chores, yearly holidays to trips abroad to meet the kins. Totally one is awed by dedication, discipline, determination, do or die nature, dare and devil attempt, down to earth resolve of the citizens. All men ensure rigorous initiative chasing an affluent nation America.
My first daughter went in 1998 on a project to states. The very next year signifies the emergence of king to place the ring in my daughters hands to put an end to suffering through colourful wedding, clearing all the doubts, hearing all the problems bearing all the strains, endearing, enchanting, making her life a fit case for liking for ever. They became couples to sing the couplet of companionship the very same year. Joining hands professionally, personally, solving problems patiently, visiting homeland biannually, they bridged the relationship very strongly. The call of the couple to visit them materialized in 2006 due to the bliss of Sri Lord KukkeSubramanya, benediction of Sri.Avani Swamigal, bliss of the parents and goodwill of the kins, smooth interview, and the call of the offspring attached with love string. Hence, Aug 2006 brought us here so that we can hear the voice of the nectar dear as the path was clear and almighty had cleared the fear and though the cost was dear the happy atmosphere, the call that was sincere, it is like an younger brother visiting his elder brother residing in another hemisphere. If America is rich in material resources, India is rich in spiritual and scholarship resources. It is like a rich man visiting his mother who has affection, love and heart in abundance. Hence man’s body, mind, intellect, heart, soul, constitute personality, where there should be no enmity but to exchange there is plenty both in prosperity and adversity.

Air India, Long Journey, Good Food, Nice Sleep

Traveling has been a part and parcel of our life from the ancient days. Epics confirm this. Lord Vigneswara has a mouse as his vehicle, big problems can be solved easily through his grace. Lord Brahma has a swan to show that one must be like a lotus in the water unattached. Shiva has a bull to teach one to be slow and steady to tackle problems. Vishnu has Garuda as his vehicle because the call of the devotee may come at any time and he has to rush like rapid action force. As mother Durga has to annihilate evil forces by force she has got a lion. Lord Ayappa has tiger as a vehicle because disciplined devotion, rigorous sadhana and constant chanting of his name will secure his bliss. Lord Muruga has peacock as his vehicle because he is beautiful and beloved and one who dances in ecastasy uttering his name gets his bliss. Lord Yama has buffalo as his vehicle so that the fellow never forgets the end and mend his ways to be a friend to the Lord with no axe to grind against anyone. In Ramayana, both Rama and Ravana fought with chariots to prove the fight with equals signifying triumph of good over evil. The movement of the fish in the sea led to the invention of ships and that of the birds with wings to plane. The ox pulling the cart and horse pulling the jutka gave birth to road vehicles. Like from a pond ultimately to the ocean, man had to become universal in attitude as his demands and aspirations increased leading to increase in traveling mode from walking to cycle, bike, car, bus, railways, ultimately air. Railways helps one to undertake a trip to pilgrimage centres, seeking peace from mundane life, seeing and serving the Lord giving solace to the soul. With time being too short to relax, air travel is preferred which is quick, time saving. Though costly, comfortable. Decision today to travel, tomorrow you are in the designated location. Universal attitude, universal destination, universal travel. Local, national or international with visa and passport you can report with support. Personal life ensures national endorsement; prepare, leave, alight, now meet, embrace, affection, new experience, enjoyment, plane.
After formalities because of the rush other airways refused to book. The Air India assured to look into the matter and took us on our first ever trip abroad. Indian airlines helped an Indian family to see his kin also an Indian in US. Air India means just the smell of jasmine brings happiness to the mind, the cool air brings the message of love and affection through its passengers who are messengers of peace and love, members bringing the family ties and managers of courtesy and cordiality. After security and boarding, it was a new experience. With three seats on each side and four in the centre, after instructions, the plane began its swing --towards the sky, land became small, people lilliputs and the swing of the wings began its swan -song. The fight with the food began coffee, juice, variety of breakfast; food choice a problem, but the thing offered went in, of course, with a fear of outing may be difficult. A glance through the papers and nice nap brought to Bombay and London for further checkup. Though rigorous, it was quick, disciplined well arranged. Again back to plane, seats occupied, resorting sometimes to running race as it was a good case for chase for one and half days which went off well by god’s grace. It is like an operation undergone, presently painful, for future gainful. Next day evening, it is New York JFK airport where all the different flights alight giving a light of hope to those who fight with their might against militants like the one in whose name the airport is named. Though the journey is tedious, strenuous, it is worth when compared to the in depth desire of seeing the kins nullifies all other difficulties. It is not a joke to bring the passengers from one country to another when it is fraught with risks, attacks, atmospheric problems, ammunition problems, administrative problems, safely, securely, because, on them we place our responsibility which often creates anxiety making the journey a certainty, relieving us of all ambiguity, helping us to develop affinity, through their ability, capability, dexterity, sincerity with all their capacity to reach new york city, to be heralded by fraternity.

Inspection, Interrogation, Airport Security Check

One is a prominent number indicating the supremacy of the Supreme Being. Zero will get value if it is added to one like hundreds, lakhs, thousands etc. In human beings, duality helps to signify the victory of the good over the evil. In Ramayana, Rama stood for good qualities like love, loyalty, liberal attitude, while Ravana stood for vanity, jealousy, hatred, resulting in his tragic end. Same case in Mahabharatha also. Noble men/heroes evil men/zeroes. Doctor’s knife is a boon, saving life; dacoits knife a curse, taking life. Duality is the result of lack of application of intelligence over mind. Body a security guard mind/commander. Positive command means prosperity, negative command means tragedy. No religion preaches violence, with each having a leader, book, call for prayer, message for peace, non-violence, a place to mingle, pray the Lord for granting a meaningful life. Individuals colour may vary but not the blood. That gift properly used can save lot of life. Taking life of the innocent is a crime. Today the land of peace has become a land of piece, with innocent people becoming victims, negotiation negated, and bullets battles boom- ranging. The innocents family deserted, economy shattered, requiring years of effort to rebuild, leaving a mark on the progeny. Intolerance, hatred, jealousy ,results in uncertainty and the emergence of a messiah to spread the message of tolerance, love ensures a smiling earth and educates about the value of human life.

Today traveling has become a trauma, troublesome and ticklish as the emergence of new generation of terrorists attacking nations resulting in innocent killings, disruption of economy, compelling the nations to tighten their security. If terrorists are smart, nations are smarter. If their attack is innovative the security is still more innovative. Our landing in HAL airport for the journey ensured cent per cent checking with the entire luggage to come in the cargo with a transparent plastic bag allowed with medicine, purse and passport. No shaving items, liquid items; detailed checking of pockets, shoes etc not to give room for smart duping by skilled, that may cause major problems.
Though cumbersome for some it was welcome to ensure safe in come in an alien land. After checking straight to plane – 90 minutes, you are in Bombay – 8 hours to London. Checking prevented us from roaming but ensuring further flying. Evening you are in New York - setting sun welcomes, JFK airport welcomes. Security over, luggage checked, outside kins welcome, strain disappears, hug - warm reception. The embrace quickens the pace and the race towards the dwelling. New York with glittering lights, big buildings ,wide roads, glance through the cab. Hatred replaced by heart- warming welcome that message life is a gift of God and be lived long through love. Hatred whose colour is red is locked in a shed, lest it should not spread. To assure bread to millions that mourn the dead, peace and prosperity they can happily wed.

Well Wishers

Vivahascha Vivadascha Samayoreva Shobhathe
Whether it is marriage or discussion it will glitter only during the occasion; In India marriages used to be conducted for four to five days reflecting the economic strength, get together, gathering, gaiety, gorgeousness, which the author also used to attend. First it is nischitartam. Both the parties meet and exchange consent letters - in Tamilnadu, yellow background with green letters, signifying sanctity. Then purchase of sarees and pattus in Madras, preferably Kumarans, Nallis - big border sarees for the girl, her mother, sister in law, medium for kins, same pattern for pattus and angavastram follows. Preparation of the jewelry, a ring for the king, tali and bottu for the bride, then choosing of the choultry - a status symbol, kins used to arrive in advance to prepare bakshanams. Before marriage, suvasini pooja or mangili pondu remembering the by-gone ladies when their husbands were alive, Swamisamaradhana, Worship of the Kuladevata for the successful operation of the wedding, pandal worship, arrangement of fleet of vehicles for transportation, booking rooms for the bridegroom parties in the choultry, vadhya ghoshti from Tamilnadu to mesmerize the audience. On the day of janavasam a flower decked car will take the bridegroom to the temple in a procession. Then reading of patrika, the menu will be idli, kesari, vada and tasty meals. Next day, Banaras tour by the bridegroom, oonjal and then mangalyadharanam. The priest will render mantras with his vibrant voice; perform saptapadi, requesting the people to offer gifts after this function. Tiffin - pongal, dosai, heavy meals. Then reception. The glittering gala function, the couples getting exhausted by doing ‘ut-byte’ (standing and sitting constantly). Then koottusaadam and bidding farewell. Kins and friends will comment that such a grand marriage is a rare gala occasion not witnessed in recent years. The kins will get a chance to meet and assemble in one place, exchange pleasantries, experiences, heart to heart with well wishers.

Even when a person gets a degree there is so much pride in the family as he is the first person to get the same. He will arrange a get together followed by his parents. The convocation day is an occasion to collect the certificate from the chancellor. Adding colour and cluster to his achievement, it is an unforgettable movement, with no comment, mere excitement, a dignified entertainment for a life-time achievement. The dream of decades becoming a reality, to don a new role of authority, and in the days to come to welcome a beauty as his consort and lead a new life in a new capacity in a metropolitan city, bubbling with activity, where there is vanity, variety, velocity. In the same way the visit to the states is a lifetime achievement because behind it there is a lot of activity, anxiety, lot of ambiguity to be resolved, authority by the officialdom, ability provided by the kins, animosity because of the unknown place, adoptability coming by compulsion, adaptability in culture, austerity in the amount to be spent, affordability in respect of finance, acceptability by one and all.

The first person to be commended is Sri K. V. Ramakrishnan, who blessed us in our residence, offering some items for passing to the kins, and offered some American coins to become Akshaya in future. Second to be commended is my second daughter Sow Anupama and son-in-law Mohan, who came all the way from Bombay, to help us in packing, printing of covering pages, for the boxes, putting confidence, preaching patience, helping morally, financially, and psychologically. For us who are illiterate in the international affairs, their presence was a confidence building measure. If she had been married abroad our condition would have become miserable. The third to be commended is my younger brother Sri T R Jayaram and his Mrs Revathy who from the day of submitting the application to the day of embarking helped every moment in every way to see that everything was perfect. The supper was their effort before our departure. Revathy was in charge of all the activities during our absence.

Ten plates cannot be equal to one plantain leaf. Ten hills can’t make a mountain; likewise, my first brother a man for all the occasions gave adequate information, came to airport with his Mrs to bid us farewell afterwards to report and lend us support. My sister also has a share in lending the support as she is the messenger of the holy mother and the words she utters is a succor to remember. The tenant of my house, who is not only giving rent but also benevolent sent by the Lord too gave us courage, confidence, assuring us to look after the house, as we are departing from here for a long time. His Mrs is a combination of courtesy, cordiality and companionship, MR. T. V. Satyanarayana, our chaetered accountant, a devotee of Sri Lord Narasimha, a Gyana Brahma, a remover of dilemmas, Sri Vasudeva Rao, our neighbour, a well- wisher, a confidence builder, Sri Krishnamurthy from Vellore (Revathy’s father) a scholar, well- wisher, a radar who will anchor our ship till we reach the shore.

Sri Vigneswara, our local deity, the remover of all the obstacles in all the affairs and Sri Kukke Subrahmanyeshwara, our kuladeivam who stands mum but beats the drum signaling the victory in all our activities, helping to hum happily, Even though the difficulties may be some, helping us to come out of the humdrum, the one and only Lord, loveable, laudable, Lokanayaka. The biggest support is Sri Avani MahaSwamigal and Sharadambal whose revered bliss is flowing like the river Ganga, his words reverberating in our ears, his presence always having a place in our conscience, whom we are adoring, praying saluting all the time.
My sambandhi Sri S K Iyer and his kins whose offspring is here and sprouts like a flower in spring season. When we utter the word Mrs Rajam, a gem, an amalgam of affection, information and other noble qualities. The last one is my mother who like a flower decided to shower on us to cover not only our journey but recover from all the obstacles uncovering her depth of Himalayan affection providing succor to us to take the plunge which will occur only in a lifetime. Though we incur heavy expenditure the war of achievement we conquer will be equal to any tanker that shoots off the enemy military bunker with gratitude as we do not for any power hanker.

Interview In Madras - Precaution

A person decides to perform his daughter’s marriage. First securing the bridegroom, horoscope verification, tally, face to face meet, agreement, offerings, visit and seva at kuladeivam temple, choultry fixing, printing of invitation, cook with details of menu, list of invitees, janavasam, wedding, reception, music, handing over charge, sense of achievement will follow. The idea of visiting the U. S started two years ago. Normally, when a person in India undertakes U. S tour, it is presumed as unique, matter of pride and prestige. It is like meeting a brother who is quite well off, contented, civilized, living a posh life. The big buildings, the wide roads, the marvelous cars marching like the army, the grand scientific progress, the use of machines for everything, the hard working habit, white collar jobs and according to that dollar, the smiling ,saluting people with sweet voice, the magnificent memorials, the white house and other government buildings standing majestically, welcoming visitors, the mighty city of New York with mammoth buildings, magnificent transport, historical buildings reminding freedom struggle, injecting patriotism, the grand Niagara, the citadel of the creation of almighty. Hence it is not surprising that the tour is a matter of great achievement, attainment of advancement.

Our plan to visit was sown two years ago. Due to prior commitments, we had to keep the plan in cold storage. After our 2nd daughter’s wedding and son’s enrolment for studies in Mysore, the deck was cleared for the tour. First planning for the tour in April, guidelines by our first daughter, feedback by brother in law, a regular visitor. Mrs. Rajam introduced the agent Sri Balamukund, helping the would-be visitors meticulously on information and formalities. Aug 2 was the day of reckoning for the interview. Our kuladeiva Sri Kukke Subrahamanyeswara helped by sponsoring a sudden visit and seva and our Guruji gave us confidence. As the consulate is located in Madras, the hot seat of politics, culture, cinema, literature, the main staying place of Lord Muruga, the bestower of knowledge, with six faces and twelve hands and Valli and Devayani as his consorts offering what one wants along with what he wants. Exactly five years ago, I had to serve in Madras during the last leg of my service. My brother-in-law in whose house I resided, gave details of probable questions and air routes. Known for historical achievements, accommodation in his residence increased our confidence. A visit to Sri Kapaleeshwarar temple and seva to the Lord and mother Karpagambal, salutations mentally to vadapalanimurugan, devi karumariamman, mangadu parvathi enhanced our confidence. At 2 PM on Aug 2nd, Rickshawala guided us to answer to the point; At 3 PM, we entered the embassy. At the security checkup, all unwanted items were thrown out; but the throne was waiting for us. With 12 available counters, document scrutiny was completed in 10 minutes. We marched to the interview hall, people in batches waiting for the catch, to witness the match. You will go to the counter with fear on the face, anxiety in mind. The prey will go to the lion anticipating the queries. Very simple, matter of fact, the interviewer is American - polite, pointed, poignant, patient questions. No anxiety. Answer to the point without ambiguity – Dear Honey, Pay your money, Visa will come to you in 3 days. We come out of the embassy. After 3 days, visa for 10 years with your passport is in your hands.
Dream has become a reality. God’s grace’s testimony. Deck is cleared for the journey. The daughter is there to offer honey, the kins are there to offer money. Friends are there to offer help, if any. They are not one or two but many. Gods grace is succor in agony. Sometimes his acts are funny. He never let down his progeny. Before him we are all tiny. He does not ask for pound or penny. He expects us to crave for his company. He has offered temporary company. Hence the problems are too many. His name will bring harmony. He will sing the song of symphony. His thinking makes the day sunny. His presence makes a divine colony. Hence he helps us to be a good trainee. Help in the unending life’s journey. Hold on to him, he will carry like a pony. Hence for life’s insurance, he is the nominee. Hurdles we had to face so many. Hail him, holding our hand he is protecting us sitting in the seat of mahogany.