Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bridgewater Temple. Sreedhar And Sandhya.

Lord Vishnu ,as per the desire of the devas, descended on this earth and landed in saptagiri as Srinivasa to bless his devotees in kaliyuga where rigorous rituals are not possible and surrender is the only solution for salvation. Plan the trip to the hill, it is his will, and he will guide you. Proceed like a drill, discipline, devotion, till you reach the hill. The chill should not deter you. They will open the grill, move, chant his name, ‘see the main door came.’ The Lord stands with a mesmerising personality, thrilled in unity, longing for eternity, you bow your head in reverence, repentance in the form of tears, acceptance in the form of humility, reverence in the form of salutation the confluence of the tiny with the mighty, a life time achievement, memorable movement, the mind refusing to depart, stamped in the heart to the last resort. Instant bliss, constant prayer, sins wiped off, you are a puritan. Three types of pilgrimage centres are there. Sages performed tapas and they wanted the Lord to stay and bless. Secondly, Lord commands his devotee to build a temple as he wants to stay. Thirdly, an episode of an area is spread and devotees swell for the darshan of the divine. Pilgrimage is as the age develops the body becomes decayed, uncalled for, uncared for waiting for the end and nobody except our friend, the Lord, will lend a helping hand to recommend for a happy end. Hence’ pill grim age ‘becomes pilgrimage. Lord, in order to be ready at the call of the devotees opened several branches. An intelligent does not need tuition. A dull needs intuition. Hence for those crossing the ocean and immersed in material enjoyment, the Lord, who sleeps in the milk ocean and balancing with his consort ‘wealth’ wanted them to cross this fantasy called family ocean. Hence first settling in Pittsburg, he came to bridge water or ‘Jalasethu’ to bridge the gulf between devotion and commotion, the pure white marble structure resembling pure heart, the big hall for seva chits, another for performing of religious chores, the prasadam spreading its smell, go up climbing the stairs and an amalgam of all the forms of god receiving worship to the tuneful rendering of the mantras, the Lord of the seven hills stands majestically with mesmerising looks, the devotee hooked by the beauty, the smile throwing the grief a 100 mile, the abhaya hastha and varada hastha assuring bliss and protection, the holy feet will greet you to his fold, getting down ,have prasadam mind, body, spirit exhibiting contentment of achievement. The Lord stands majestically with his mesmerising figure, making thy eyes not to divert the glare, simply stare, dare not to speak, care not to divert, where you share the supreme satisfaction with the Lord, bearing in mind that is the most precious moment you were craving for, dare not look at the onlookers providing diversion, spare thy thoughts, spurn them, churn thy soul and earn his bliss as there is no other concern. The urn in the heart is filled with this super natural experience, supreme in elegance, adorable in appearance, poignant in presence, breathtaking in benevolence, reverberating in radiance. An ornament in observance, a replica of reverence, a camera of conscience, an omega of omnipresence, light lit by the lamp of luck luring you to look at the Lord, the loveable and laudable figure, whose name is sweet like sugar, with a majestic figure, adds vigour, vitality, vision, to the life like the gold getting purified, by contact with the fire, where you need not hire anyone for guidance. But encouraged by pure desire that burns all the sins like live wire, he is Lord Srinivasa, beaming mandahasa, papavinasha, maha purusha, sleeping on adishesha, in vaikunta, but here standing under golden kalasa, chit prakasha, hrudayesha, rama vilasa, asura nasha sura posha.
Sreedhar and Sandhya: The first son of our father in law, Sri, K V Satyanarayanan was a votary of information, a moving dictionary on matters, a spiritual, scholarly personality, not compromising on principles, came up by ladder through hard labour with four daughters all named after trinities consorts, son- in- laws offering everything at beck and call, Mrs lending unflinching co-operation, the elder son sacrificing status in lieu of family, singing the swan- song of growth through labour, the second silent, shrewd, scholarly, switching over to states, stamping his presence through scholarship, wedding the ‘shining evening,’ the shrewd silent partner lending a helping hand for happy settlement rocking the same boat, now with an off spring to play the string of music of love, landing when needed here. They live in New Jersey, where we went to see received with glee with warmth as the fee followed by a visit to Sow Sharanya and Vipul, the daughter of my wife’s young brother. The evening of glory coupled with a darshan to Lord Srinivasa paved the way to open the key to success. We were accompanied by lady luck, Shubha and the king of Ayodhya, Raj. A well- planned journey accomplished, backed by devotion, determination and discretion.

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